Field Trip News & SIS Coming to Room 216

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I have just received a printout from the main office, I am missing 8 field trip forms. Your child cannot attend the trip without the proper permission forms. Please check your email for the form, it was sent out a week ago. It is all done by an electronic link now, no more paper copies.

Also, I have 6 parents who would like to volunteer. Thanks SO much for your offer. Unfortunately, I can only take 4. Those parents have already been contacted and those parents will be responsible for supervising a small group of children.


I am excited to announce that Scientists in School will be visiting our classroom on Tuesday, May 7th. The ‘field trip that comes to us’ will be presenting a 90-minute session on soil and plants. This interactive and hands-on presentation will complement your child’s learning for our upcoming science units on Soils in the Environment and Growth and Changes in Plants.

Scientists in School was founded on the principle that students learn best when they get to be the scientists – doing science instead of just reading or hearing about science. The name Scientists in School does not refer to the science experts who are brought into the classroom, but rather, to the students themselves. During Scientists in School workshops, your child becomes a scientist in school.

The workshop the class will be participating in is Get the Dirt on Plants! In this workshop, the students will dig into the exciting and connected world of soil and plants. They will explore the importance of soil by investigating soil layers and experimenting with water retention. They will also dissect a seed, learn about seed dispersal, and examine plant growth up close!

It should be a wonderful learning opportunity for the students! I will share many photos.

Mrs. Lewis

Upcoming Field Trip News!

The Grade 3s have an exciting educational opportunity to visit the MacSkimming Outdoor Education Centre Pioneer Village on May 3rd. The students will enjoy experiential learning experiences about Canada’s earliest communities, which connect directly to our curriculum. Students will have an opportunity to discuss and compare the lives of Indigenous communities, to that of the European settlers during the early 1900s. Students will visit a one-room schoolhouse, build a log cabin and use some antique tools, in this hands-on discovery of life long ago.
We will be looking for at least 2 parent volunteers per class. We will be traveling by bus to the village location at 3700 Wilhaven Dr. leaving at 9:30am and then returning to school at 2pm for the last period of the day. Students will also have a lunch break during their time at the Education Centre. We are excited to offer this field trip to our Grade 3s! Please check your email for the permission form to sign for your child to participate!

The Village Field Centre Information Package (1)


WEJ Spirit Day Tomorrow – Sports Jersey Day

The team that you hold most dear!

It’s time to show off your favourite sports gear,

That you probably bought as a souvenir!

Whether it be a jersey, t-shirt or a hat,

Even team colours, how about that!

WEJ Wildcats will support their team,

As they shout aloud and scream!

Landforms in Ontario – Group of 7 Inspired Art

For a cross-curricular art/social studies activity, the students investigated the natural features found in the Canadian Shield as part of our unit on Living and Working in Ontario. The students were also introduced to the art of the famous “Group of Seven” painters. These artists painted numerous scenes across Ontario, but the majority of their most famous pieces were created in the Canadian Shield region. The students were tasked with choosing a photo from a collection I provided and recreating the scene in paint, employing the style of the Group of Seven. The students were also asked to write about the natural features they included in their paintings and to name the community depicted in their landscape. These paintings are currently proudly displayed in the hallway downstairs in the catwalk. The students are getting a lot of praise from passers-by! As you can see, the students did a wonderful job on this art project!


Our EQAO Test Writing Dates Assigned …

Education Quality and Accountability Office - EQAO

Good morning parents,

I promised to keep you in the loop and let you know the moment I do too. It’s official, our Grade 3 EQAO assessments are to take place the week of June 3 to 6.

For more information:

  • Sample Assessments – Students, parents and educators have the opportunity to become familiar with the digital assessment and its platform through EQAO’s online Grades 3 and 6 sample assessments.

○     Grade 3: Sample Test

Solar Eclipse Day Tomorrow and This and That …

Happy Sunny Sunday – what a glorious day it was!

I hope however you enjoy tomorrow, it is safe and making memories and full of joy.

For those children staying indoors or those looking for something to supplement what we are doing in Math, I have scheduled a post to go live tomorrow morning in the Google Classroom with Math activities. The students will see this note:

Happy Solar Eclipse Day! Here are some Math tasks to do if you are staying inside today.
Friendly reminder your Robert Munsch Book Cover is DUE tomorrow and you should be reviewing your PIONEER package for our QUIZ also on Tuesday.
Have fun with the Kahoot! We will post the podium first thing TUESDAY morning!
1. Make sure you are done up to slide 51 in the Math assignment posted on April 4th. We will continue in class on Tuesday and PLEASE do not “TURN IN.” You will not be able to work on other slides with the class if you do.
2. Enjoy the Kahoot
3. 4 Knowledgehook Missions have been set. Not due until April 14th, but I know many of you will want to complete the mission for points. (your login and password is in your agenda)
See you on Terrific Tuesday friends!
-Ms. Lewis

You will have noticed “Making Clothing the Pioneer Way” in the Friday Folio. This is taken directly from a past EQAO test. To get a level 4 on written response/comprehension questions. Students must 1) Restate the Question. 2) Use Proof direct from the Text and 3) Add their own idea. “I think…”

We are just starting to dabble in EQAO, our school has not been given our test days -YET. This usually falls anywhere between the last two weeks in May and the first two weeks in June. Stay tuned , I will let you know as soon as I do too.We will do plenty of practice questions in class to supplement what curriculum strand we are working on at the time. Here is the link to the EQAO website to see past test questions and learn more.

Being as we have missed two weeks of Working with Words -Spelling; I will hand out the new weekly unit on Tuesday and give students extra time in class to work with their words.

Our new unit in Math is Financial Literacy – making changing and purchases up to $10 and in Social Studies we are looking at Living and Working in Ontario – we will do a Group of & inspired Visual Arts project on Friday!