Planning for Tomorrow’s Trip

Thank you for signing our field trip permission forms for this Friday and special thanks to our volunteers! Coming along with us are Clara’s Mom, Logan’s Mom, Eric’s Mom, and Wenger’s Dad. We had so many parents offer to come, I have written your name down to be at the top of my list for next time! We could not do this without you! The students (and myself) are looking forward to the pioneer village experience! Please refer back to the earlier blog post for what to pack and expectations. The high tomorrow will be 19 degrees and partially overcast! We will be leaving at 9:30 sharp, so please be here or your child will be placed in another Grade 3 class for learning tomorrow.

Please do not send your child with money tomorrow. There is no food to purchase and no gift shop.

Here is the OCDSBs link to more info on our destination tomorrow: